Role: Creative Director/Copywriter
In this campaign, we find out what happens when real patients move getting cured of Hep C from their to-do list to their "To-Day List."  
EPCLUSA is a treatment that cures hepatitis C (Hep C) in just 3 months. 
Most people with Hep C are people who inject drugs. As they work their way through addiction recovery—finding a home, getting their kids back, securing a job—getting cured of Hep C usually gets put on the back burner. 
The To-Day List campaign consists of a TV commercial, website, Facebook and Instagram posts and stories, Reddit posts, banners, and printed materials—a full 360 campaign that I wrote and creative directed.

Television Commercial


Social video for Reddit, Facebook, and Instagram


Instagram Story


In-office Leave Behind

Static Banners

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